Thursday, 28 June 2012

The NZ Herald have been running a series of excellent articles focusing on local alcohol problems.

See Judge Beecrofts statement below.
Alcohol-free month raises more than $100,000
05 Mar 2012
Media release – FebFast

FebFasters are celebrating raising more than $100,000 after a whole month without drinking alcohol.
And FebFast Coordinator Catherine Milburn says their determination to stay alcohol-free during February is commendable.
“Some people have found it a hard slog but they've stuck with it, which is fantastic,” she says. “No doubt they've been enjoying a beer or glass of wine over the weekend. Hopefully they’ve remembered not to overdo it, as their bodies haven't been used to drinking for the past month.”
So far over $104,000 has been raised through online donations and sponsorships, and Ms Milburn says that total will probably increase further during March as last minute donations come in.
People can still donate via the FebFast website at or by texting FebFast to 5338 to make an instant $3 donation.
Four youth charities are set to receiving funding:Evolve (Wellington), Rainbow Youth (Auckland), CareNZ (Waikato), and the ADHD Association (national).
Ms Milburn says young people affected by drugs or alcohol issues will benefit from a range of programmes and projects by these organisations.
“FebFast is always about giving community organisations a helping hand. There are a lot of young people out there who really need the support and assistance these organisations offer, and we’re delighted to be able to contribute to their work.
“Well done, FebFasters! We'll look forward to seeing you next year!”

Monday, 4 June 2012

Trade Agreement implications paper

'On behalf of the NZ Tobacco Control Research Tūranga I am happy to announce the release of our first research results: Professor Jane Kelsey’s analysis of the international trade and investment agreements implications for tobacco control.'  

Here is the link to Jane’s media release that she put out last night:

Decriminalisation Push Australia - NZ next?

Dalgarno Institue in Australia warn about a campaign to decriminalise drug use.

"As you may be aware, the noisy pro-drug lobby are harnessing every vehicle they can to promote drug decriminalisation. Of course one of the key elements is to have media on side. The AGE has thrown their hat in with this push. Whilst this action can be made to sound ‘credible’ it has many flaws and will lead to only greater drug use and the subsequent dysfunction that will bring.

 Even well-meaning people sometimes  think decriminalising and going to a health only focus will make things better. This is an experiment the emerging generation will not survive well."

 Sign in to their web site and look at two excellent papers on this issue