Sunday, 2 October 2011

Alcohol Advertising


South Africa plans to ban alcohol advertising in a bid to rein in violent crime fuelled by excessive drinking.  Violence and injuries were the top killer in South Africa after HIV.  Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said the driving factor behind this is alcohol. They are going to introduce strong alcohol control measures including banning advertising of alcohol. NZ Herald 8/9/11



The New Zealand Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) officially commenced on 4th February 1885 in Auckland.   Mrs Leavitt from the World Union based in America was instrumental in forming the New Zealand Union and associating it with the World Union.  Fifteen local Unions were formed that year.  WCTU is a non-denominational international organisation.  The World Motto is ‘For God, Home and Humanity’.

See our web site for more information on the WCTU and links to other associated sites.

This blog is for updating items of interest to members.